5 Things I learned from Working on one of India's Biggest Infrastructure Projects

For us Building Information Modelling ( (BIM) is embracing because many of infrastructure project are full of challenges including distance goal, expensive and complex resource provisioning, risk management, evolving scope, tough communication, unrealistic expectation and more.
The Beauty of BIM is that it not only reduces the cost and productivity, but also improves collaboration and coordination, reduces works with transparency, reduces the work by helping track progress and guarantees that project are completed within time and budget.
In India, infrastructure projects are totally ball game. There are Many challenges that needed to face including land acquisition, nuanced  dispute resolution Mechanism between different government bodies, lack of co-ordination, along with significant shortfall in planned investment. For us, the experience of working with one of the largest infrastructure project in India i.e Maha Metro Rail Corporation's Nagpur Metro projects was exceptionally enriching.
There are lot of challenges faced but also lot of learned achieved . The projects - an elevated metro corridor with 36 stations and 2 depots and total length of 36 KM. To execute this our massive team of architect, contractors, engineers, consultants, suppliers and designers: each with  different prospective, each of them offering a solution to different problem faced.
Following are the 5 thing we learned from working on one of the India's biggest infrastructure project.
1) Focus on end Objective:  We faced many of implementation challenges that were unique, sometimes with no answers to explain what was being implemented and why. Challenges with respects to the supply chain were many times holding us back. We have trained ourselves to focus on main task while seeing at large and small points with overall vision.
2) Teamwork Wins: Presence of people form various educational background, multiple locations and different experiences, was one of the most important striking characteristics of the Metro Rail projects. all our team consisting of specialist sub-contractors, contractors, the team consisting of design consultants, bureaucrats, site supervisors and more worked towards one common goal. the goal of being a building biggest infrastructure project that meets international building and construction standards and Global Best Practices. teamwork here drove a favorable outcome.
3) Handling process challenges: Building and Implementation pf Metro Rail Project was complex one.  we have learned to adapt internal execution processes and client reporting methods and adapt them to help us achieve our goals.
4) Integrating technology: Multiple software and the need for collaboration between them brought up several Inter Operability issues. we had find a ways of integration and we also had to find the right people, also we need to train this people on the technology while making them comfortable in using technology. We have used the same approach of top down which like most of infrastructure projects.
5.Nothing can be perfect:  We understood nothing can be perfect, learn to evolve: A key learning while Considering the size and Complexity of Metro Rail Project was to evolve with time. We must had to accept different ways of working of different individuals.
Persistence is key.
For such a large and complex infrastructure project like the Nagpur Metro to be successful we realized that persistence is the key:  we also had to find the ways to deal with  highly diverse team of expert professionals along with process challenges.


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