
Showing posts from March, 2020

BIMFORYOU - How and Why Project Managers should use BIM

There’s no longer any question that  Building Information Modeling (BIM)  has revolutionized the way the  AEC industry operates . BIM has delivered a significant impact on long-term projects in terms of economic as well as technical viability. Owing to the cost benefits and various other advantages from the power of BIM, many countries have mandated the use of BIM technology for public projects. This move, in itself, speaks volumes about the significant potential of BIM technology in a construction project. BIM applies across  the design as well as the construction phase  of a project. Of course, the life-cycle of a construction project doesn’t end at the handing-over of a facility; it is a continuing cycle. Many traditional construction projects accepted the project life-cycle to end at the handing over process, but, in this era, facilities management is a part of the construction project, and BIM plays a  vital role in helping the facilities man...

Some Lessons for Indian Metro Projects from THE NAGPUR METRO

The Maharashtra Metro Rail Corporation Ltd (MahaMetro) recently reported that the Nagpur Metro project was completed in a record time of 27 months. That’s not the only feather in its cap. Nagpur Metro is being regarded as the greenest metro system in India. There’s no doubt that the Nagpur Metro project stands as the perfect example for megaprojects in India and the rest of the world. So, what are the lessons we can learn? Factors that contributed to the successful completion of the project: 1.      Effectiveness of consultation with stakeholders:  This is a public infrastructure project first and last. It’s critical to make room for the role of the public to ensure success. From the conceptualization stage, the communication between the project leaders and the public should be strong. The public should understand the plans, the benefits to them, and the likely hardships they may encounter along the construction phase. No project of this si...

Is BIM More Useful for Design than Construction?

BIM or  Building Information Modeling  is rapidly becoming the “must-adopt” standard in building and construction projects. BIM, as a practice, spans the management of the physical structure as well as the other useful information of a construction project. The output of the process is what we refer to as BIM models. BIM is far more than mapping physical space. It incorporates embedded functionality and cost measurements within the plan. These models are the digital files that portray every part of the project and support decision-making throughout the cycle. Some well-known advantages of adopting BIM are: · Capture the most accurate representations of the location · Capture reality · Maintain control · Organize steps and processes · Better collaboration and communication  · Model-based cost estimation · Improved coordination and clash detection · Reduced cost and mitigated risk · Stronger facility management · Improved construction sequencing ...