
Showing posts from March, 2019


A smart building is defined as any structure or facility that uses automated processes to control the building’s operations. The key focus is on reduction in the use of non-renewable sources of energy and relying more on renewable sources of energy thereby reducing the impact on the environment. That apart, business benefits like optimized operations, better management, reduced operational costs, and less effort can accrue. Though this definition encompasses various factors it is not restricted within these parameters. There is no single standard definition available to describe a smart building or structure in the construction and infrastructure industry. The common parameters amongst the smart structures are better resource-utilization and reduced effort. Constructing a smart building involves linking the core systems of the structure such as lighting, power meters, heating, cooling, pumps, fire alarms and plants with sensors, and easily accessible integrated control systems. ...

Appeal to the Indian Government - Make BIM Mandatory for Public Infrastructure Projects

Every infrastructure construction project comprises different teams of varying sizes working together at any given point in time of the project. Coordination between the groups of architects, designers, engineers, contractors, and specialist contractors has always been a major challenge in the construction industry. Streamlining the work, especially in large scale projects, is vital. Errors in judgement or execution can result in loss of time and money -both scarce commodities. Let me paraphrase from a NICMAR report that I found. Studies across various construction projects in many different countries found that the major causes for delays in projects were: Design changes by the owners during construction Errors in the planning stages Poor site management Delay in producing design documents Lack of effective communication And what’s the impact? The same study says that (at the time of the examination) 49.6% of the time in construction was devoted to wasteful activities. ...

The role of BIM in improving construction safety

We would like to start by painting a picture. India's construction industry contributes the most to India’s economy, just behind agriculture. It's also the second largest in terms of employment and provides thousands of jobs around the country. According to estimates provided by the government, the construction industry has grown by 80% over the past 4 years and has gone from generating $78 billion in 2013, to around $140 billion in 2017. Explosive growth is great, but with growth should also come a greater social consciousness. And sure enough, an aspect that is getting ever-more attention is the safety of construction workers and safe practices on construction sites. It is, unfortunately, true that each year, many workers die on construction sites, either due to falls, electrical mishaps, or accidents at the workplace. The labor Ministry figures (reported by NDTV) show that 450 workers were killed and 212 injured on site in 2013. Between 2013 and 2016, the numbers alm...